Momenteo includes a mileage tracker for your business trip

The era of sticking post-its to your car dashboard is over. Just use Momenteo to track every expense related to travelling in a matter of seconds. Plus, Momenteo won’t fly through the window or end up stuck under a coffee cup.

Momenteo includes a mileage tracker for your business trip

On the road

Momenteo allows you to add any travels in a few seconds easily. The distance is calculated using two addresses. You can either bill the fees to a client or just add them as expenses. If you often need to visit your clients, our travel tool will surely help you monitor everything and create accurate invoices. You will not have to note down your kilometers on your phone or little pieces of paper.

On the road

How to add a travel to Momenteo

Here is how to proceed. First, you have two choices: you can decide to add your travel directly to the calendar or add it by clicking on the Travels tab. Then, enter the start address and the final destination. You can also add steps or mention that it is a round trip. Next, add a date, associate this travel to a client, and enter your rate. It is that easy!

Note down everything

You can also add a note that explains why you had to do this travel. If you are often on the road, it can help you when you meet your accountant.


Frequently asked questions

  • Can I add my business trips to my calendar?

    Yes, you can add your trips directly in the calendar. You simply need to select the date and enter a trip.

  • Can I add different stops to my travel itinerary?

    When creating a trip from the Travels tab or even from the calendar, you will be able to enter your departure and arrival addresses. Just below, select the Add a step button if you decide to stop somewhere along the way. If you do a round trip, you can also indicate that.

  • Does a trip have to be connected to one of my customers?

    No, you don't have to link a trip to a customer. However, we advise you to indicate the reason for this trip in the notes section to explain it to your accountant.

  • How do I calculate the cost of my trip?

    The cost of your trip will automatically be calculated once you have entered the different addresses. As well, do not forget to add the price of gasoline to your expenses!